Arati stumbles on ‘bhang trading’ in Kisii Teaching and Referral Hospital in night visit

Kisii Governor Simba Saturday night claimed rife smuggling and trading of illicit drugs in and out of Kisii Teaching and Referral, the County’s flagship health facility

The hawking, he said, often goes on at night from people who pose as kin to patients being attended at the Wards.

He described this a security risk which must be acted on by security agencies.

“Already a few suspects have since been seized and taken into the cells

” I praise our security agencies for the brave act ,” Arati told journalists.

The Governor spoke after doing a marathon round visits at the Wards at the facility.

The night tour which lasted over three hours was impromptu.

He found other patients sleeping in pairs on beds saying this increases the risk of infection.

At the emergency wing, watchman deployed to guard the hospital were acting as paramedics.

The County boss said poor coordination of operations at the hospital appear to be licensing the flourishing smuggling of the illicit drugs .

The business is made possible by people who freely roam in and out at night of the hospital in the pretext of offering patient care, the governor said .

Arati quickly ordered that there shall be no further night care of patients from relatives.

“We will not be having people sleeping on the pavements waiting on their ailing relatives anymore , only medics here will be at hand taking care of the patients,” stated Arati.

The Governor drove into the facility minutes to 9 at night and left at 1 00 Sunday dawn.

He was accompanied by health executive Ronald Nyakweba and the hospital chief executive Dr Oimeke Mariita.

Arati said he was dismayed that some rogue medics were still referring patients to purchase drugs from pharmacies outside yet the hospital had stocked sufficient stocks of all basic drugs.

“I have already seen scribbled papers referring them to purchase drugs from drugs stores out in the streets. I assure that any doctor who is still doing this must go, i have no place for thieves,” an angry Arati fumed.