Rogue, Dangerous Patrick Ngare Muchina, Kelvin Mwaura Ngotho and Muke Wa Mansoni Didier charged with Sh 64M Fraud

Two Kenyans and a Congolese national have been charged in Nairobi with defrauding a foreigner Sh 64 million in a fake gold sale business.

Patrick Ngare Muchina, Kelvin Mwaura Ngotho and Muke Wa Mansoni Didier (Congolese) are accused of obtaining USD 500,000 (approx. Sh.64 million) from Sadegh Sadeghian Abolfa by falsely pretending that they were in a position to sell to him 60 Kilograms of gold, a fact they knew to be false.

The accused persons are also charged with conspiring to commit the said offence.

The trio is alleged to have committed the offence on diverse dates between April 2021 and 14 April 2023 at Kilimani, Nairobi, jointly with others not before court.

They denied the charges before Chief Magistrate Lukas Onyina and were granted a bond of Sh 3 million with alternative cash bail of Sh 1 million.