221 people arrested, 500 raids carried out as 20 establishmen closed in ongoing crackdown operation

Over 200 people have been arrested in Nyanza region as police intensifies crackdown operation on illegal bars and illicit brews.

Since the operation started on Thursday last week, Nyanza Regional Commissioner (RC) Flora Mworoa disclosed that over 500 raids have been carried out across.

Mworoa added that already 20 non compliant established have been closed down.

She said no Stone will be left unturned in the operation adding that already officers from the Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA), Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS), Anti-Counterfeit Authority (ACA)and County government Liquor licensing officers have been incorporated in the process.

Speaking to the Media, the RC stated that they are aware that some of the illicit alcohol were coming to Kisumu and other counties tbdough the Lake.

“Already security officers have intensified patrols along Lake Victoria to curb transportation of illicit brews through the water body,”she said.

Mworoa disclosed that they have also contacted authorities from the Tanzania side and are set to have a meeting in the next two weeks in ways they can work together to address the issues.

“Some of the illicit brews are coming from the neighbouring Tanzania through the porous Isebania border, and soon we will.have a meeting with relevant agencies from their end to see how to tackle and end this menace,” she said.

The RC cautioned those who don’t comply with the laws and resist arrest or attack security officers during operations saying they will face the full wrath of the law.

She gave an example in Nyamira where one of their chiefs was attacked and injured by a man who was found selling illicit alcohol.

“The man and his son who commited this crime are currently at large and we are already looking for them. They will be arrested to face the law soon”.

Mworoa also asked those involved in the sale of alcohol to comply with the enforcement teams to ensure that only establishments that have met all the requirements are allowed to operate.

She also told all officers involved in the operation to remain vigilant and avoid any activities that will derail the targeted outcome of the exercise.
