Lawyer Akram Mohamed Khan, a conman at the centre of Sh63 Million Fraud

A witness has narrated to court how a 91 year old lawyer Akram Mohamed Khan received Sh63million for purchase of land but never deposited it to the owner.

Dalip Benawra, a retired consultant was one of the appointed trustee of the late Sukhdev Singh Mangat said Khan who acted as an agent, after receiving the money, he never deposited to the owner of the land.

Dalip said he and the other trustee left with the DCI to pursue Khan to see whether the money would be recovered, Khan was arrested but nothing was recovered from him.

He was appointed as a trustee with another person by the executor Tirpat Mangat in 2020.

He was testifying in a case that Khan and his company M.A Khan Advocates are accused that being an agent
of the late Sukhdev Singh Mangat jointly
stole Sh63, 700, 000 the property of
the late which had been entrusted to
He is alleged to have committed the offence between December 4, 2013 and the 16th
of September year 2014, at Habib Bank
Limited Koinange Street Branch in

He produced a Power of Attorney in court dated 20th July 2020.

The court was told that the Dalip went to Kisumu to meet the family of the deceased and the lawyer who was acting for Mangat, one David otieno.

“When we got to Kisumu, we wanted to know the outstanding legal issues on the estate of the deceased. We were briefed on two plots of land that had been sold”, Dalip told court.

For one plot it was sold to Surgit Singh and Malkit singh for 63million.

The deposit of 10 percent of money was paid to Khan on March 15th 2014. There was a sale agreement showing the payment of 6.3million was paid to Khan.

He added that a balance of Sh 56million was paid by a lawyer acting on behalf of buyer to Khan which was done by Habib bank to Guardian bank.

Khan is out on a bond of Sh1million.

Hearing continues on June 25.

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