Rogue Kenya Airways employees Elijah Itegi Githinji, Dubai boss charged with Sh521Millon Fraud

A Rogue Former  Dubai Bank chairman Hassan Ahmed Zubeidi was today charged afresh with conspiracy to steal Ksh. 521.9 million

A Rogue Former Dubai Bank Chairman Hassan Ahmed Zubeida Zubeidi was today charged with Sh521M fraud.

He was charged alongside Kenya Airways employees Elijah Itegi Githinji, Grace Wamuyu Mathenge, Jackson Kiruthi Njiiri and Elias Kyalo Ngao.

The five appeared in court today for plea-taking after the ODPP amended the former charge sheet.
Jane Kiboi’s charges were dismissed for lack of evince.

Zubedi who did not answer to the current charges after his Lawyer failed to turn up in court, told the court he is getting tired of the high rate of prosecution amending charge sheet.

“Your honor this must be the fifth or so charge sheet am being told to answer and the offense is the same…”

The five appeared before SPM Ondieki at Milimani law court where the prosecution charged them with stealing Kes 521.9 million from KQ on diverse dates between 2013 and 2015.

Hassan Zubeidi and Elijah Githinji were charged separately with stealing Kes 16 million from KQ on diverse dates between 2014 and 2015.

Zubeidi was as well charged alongside Grace Wamuyu with stealing Kes 8.5 million from KQ in 2015.

The five accused persons are out on a cash bail of Kes 300,000.

The case will be mentioned on March 14 for pretrial.