Famous Mulembe Nation Singer & Orator Joseph Kubende Dies 4 Days After Celebrating His Birthday

Joseph Kubende news

Mulembe Nation has this night been thrown into mourning after losing one of their favourite singer, Orator and Speaker Joseph Kubende alias “Mwalimu”.

These heartbreaking news of sudden departure of Kubende have been announced by one of his friend Justo Misiko after consulting his family members.

According to Justo, he together with the Kubende’s family members can confirm the passed away of Joseph Kubende and that they are currently at the Radiant Hospital in Pangani, Nairobi where they are planning to move his remains to the Kenyatta University Mortuary.

Shocking, Kubende’s death comes just four days after celebrating his birthday and few days after sharing a video while throwing a lavish party with his friends while sarcastically showing them how the last party looks like.

Joseph was a man of great character, who lived his life with purpose and passion. He was hardworking, determined, and always had a positive outlook on life. He never hesitated to lend a helping hand, and his generosity knew no bounds.

We extend our heartfelt condolences to his family, friends, and all those who knew him. May his soul rest in eternal peace.

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