Man in court for attempting to defile a minor aged 7 year

A man who alledgly attempted to defile a 7 year old minor has been charged at a Kibera Court.

Gideon Nyakori was charged before Kibera Senior Principal Magistrate Margret Murage where he denied the charges.

The court heard that the accused person alledgly attempted to defile PQ on February 5 at Village In in Kangemi Location within Nairobi County.

He denied the wrong doing.

The prosecution did not object his release on bond but called for a tough bond terms.

The prosecution further told the court that it was ready to supply the accused person with all the witness statements and documentary evidences that it will rely on during the entire trial.
The magistrate released him on Sh 300,000 bond bail with the surety of the same amount.

She directed that the matter be metioned on February 22 for a pre-trial and further directions